Fintech | Financial Services | Legal Advice | imac legal & compliance


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Update your financial services with the introduction of financial technology to deliver innovative modern and practical services.

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Financial Technology

Financial Technology (FinTech) is changing the face of financial services. imac legal understands the regulatory requirements and the issues you can face when trying to get a new FinTech idea/business/product/service/app off the ground.

How we can help

We can help you with everything from licensing through to commercialising your FinTech solution.

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Any advice on this website is general only and should not be relied on as a substitute for legal advice tailored to your situation. imac legal & compliance pty ltd trades as imac legal and as imac compliance. We will always let you know beforehand whether we are acting as a law firm or as a compliance consultancy (and not as a law firm) for a particular matter. You have several rights and protections under the law when we act as a law firm.

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation when providing legal services.