Any advice on this website is general only and should not be relied on as a substitute for legal advice tailored to your situation. imac legal & compliance pty ltd trades as imac legal and as imac compliance. We will always let you know beforehand whether we are acting as a law firm or as a compliance consultancy (and not as a law firm) for a particular matter. You have several rights and protections under the law when we act as a law firm.
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation when providing legal services.
imac legal is on the move …
Financial service lawyers and compliance consultants, imac legal & compliance, have moved into new city digs. We are now in the heart of the legal district (yes, lawyers really do have a heart) in Melbourne’s CBD. So, if you happen to be in town we’d love to see you. Of course, we’ve already sussed out the best cafes. So please, pop your head in to say hi if you are in the area. We’ll shout the coffee.
Our new contact details:
imac legal & compliance
Level 1, 551 Lt Lonsdale St
Melbourne VIC 3000
P: 03 8657 7500