Any advice on this website is general only and should not be relied on as a substitute for legal advice tailored to your situation. imac legal & compliance pty ltd trades as imac legal and as imac compliance. We will always let you know beforehand whether we are acting as a law firm or as a compliance consultancy (and not as a law firm) for a particular matter. You have several rights and protections under the law when we act as a law firm.
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation when providing legal services.
imac legal joins the Twitterati.
imac legal has been test driving Twitter for the last couple of days to make sure we don’t crash it and are now happy to announce our own Twitter feed. We will cover financial services and commercial law related topics. You can follow us by the Twitter handle @imaclegal1 and get timely updates on relevant news and developments, plus links to analysis and opinions and interesting articles. Our goal is to present information that is relevant to our clients and can add interest and value to you.
We will, over the coming days, incorporate our Twitter feed into our website ( Alternatively, to get the latest financial services and commercial law developments straight to your inbox, signup to imac legal’s blog here: