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Trade Promotions – red tape cut in Victoria
So, you have a great idea for a promotional competition that will really appeal to your clients and prospects. In the past, if you offered a prize greater than $5,000 in value, you had to apply to get a permit to run a ‘trade promotion lottery’ in Victoria. But from 20 June 2015, the rules have changed.
You no longer need to apply to the Victorian Commission for Gambling and Liquor Regulation for a permit. But if your trade promotion involves any element of chance you do still need to comply with the provisions of the Gambling Regulation Act 2003 (Vic) and related regulations.
This will undoubtedly make life a bit easier for those wanting to market in this way. But a word of caution, if your promotion will be run outside of Victoria, as each State and Territory has its own obligations, you’ll still need to check that you comply with the laws in all relevant jurisdictions.